Our History
From 1970 to now, Monbulk Rangers SC has a long and storied history to share and celebrate.
If you have anything to add, be it a photo, memory or tall tale, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at info@monbulkrangers.org.au or get in touch via our socials above.

Monbulk Soccer club formed with 3 junior teams and 2 senior teams initially playing games on what is now the football ground in Moores Rd
One of the first teams to play for the Monbulk Soccer Club [pictured].
Monbulk U11’s go through season undefeated and win clubs first premiership.
A fledgling soccer club started at Gembrook involving 2 junior teams.
Belgrave South Primary School Headmaster Noel Carroll, not happy with the level of sport being played gets small amount of funding through Education department and starts inter school competition. Approaches Chris Day to maintain in house competition at school. Because of work commitments this not possible.
First committee send out flyers to gauge reaction to a soccer club and are inundated with enquiries. Numbers dictate they start with an under 9’s and under 11’s. Initially play in house games on Sth Belgrave Football oval on Sunday after Saturday footy matches. Also get matches against Gembrooke and Berwick when VSF have byes. Politics played its part even then with the VSF restricting clubs that wanted to join. Permission had to be obtained firstly from both Berwick and Monbulk Soccer Clubs.
Belgrave South Soccer club joins the VSF, only one of two new clubs that season. They also have discussions with Menzies Creek Cricket Club and secure Menzies Creek Reserve as their home ground.
Initial colors dark Brown as there were many South Belgrave kids playing and the school colours were brown so most already had shorts and socks this colour.
Belgrave Sth JSC has 5 teams, 2 U8’s, 2 U10’s and U12’s
Gembrook Juniors merge with Monbulk due to lack of numbers and facilities. Belgrave South JSC sets up sub junior goals on Belgrave South school oval to accommodate U7’s and U8’s. Education department stops this development because they believe the small goals could be a danger to the kids and they may be open to liability claims, hence main pitch at Menzies Creek shortened to accommodate subjuniors. At this stage Belgrave Sth JSC has a team in each age group from U7’s to U13’s.
Belgrave Sth JSC original U11’s don’t have the numbers to form U16’s so merge with Berwick’s U16’s, in the same position, and go on to win the U16 super league competition. At this stage Monbulk’s membership is up to 3 senior teams and 11 juniors.

Belgrave Sth JS Club changes its name to Sherbrooke Rangers JSC [pictured].

Provisional League Division Three Reserve Champions Monbulk [pictured].
Monbulk Soccer Club forced to reduce load on Moores Rd pitch to meet FFV pitch condition requirements.Juniors play at Monbulk high school and subjuniors at Baynes Park. With no clubrooms or canteen facilities at these venues Monbulk approaches council seeking assistance in facility improvements.
Monbulk Soccer Club 1992 [pictured].

Extensive work from Ron Schmidt sees flood lights setup and operational at Menzies Creek Reserve for Sherbrooke Rangers.
Monbulk’s remaining 3 Junior teams merge with Sherbrooke who have 10 teams at this stage. This marks the start of another change of colours for Sherbrooke as the Monbulk colours of maroon and gold are adopted.
First goal kick program set up after U7’s competition is wound up by VSF.
Club numbers reach maximum possible playing limit for one pitch. 241 members in 15 Teams.

Baynes Park becomes available as alternative playing facility. Sherbrooke enters four teams into Church League to allow more players to participate with games available on both Saturdays and Sundays. Sherbrooke has very successful year with 3 flags including first for girls competition with U14 Girls Champions and U18 Girls & U13 Boys winning Runners Up flags.
Monbulk Soccer Women's Team [pictured].
Men’s and Ladies teams entered by Sherbrooke for first time in Churches league. Feasibility study started on ground development in Narre Warren East with Yarra Ranges Council. Sherbrooke Mens 4th Division Champions and Cup Winners. Received Grant to assist all weather training surface. Sherbrooke Members reach 350.

Agreement with Monbulk Soccer Club allowing Juniors to play for Monbulk Seniors without need of transfer.
Sherbrooke U10 Bears, U12 Sharks, U12 Lasers (Girls) and Men’s Forest Div 3 all win flags. Sherbrooke Field 28 teams and Goalkick program 427 members on two pitches.
U10 Bears [pictured].
Commencement of All Weather Training Surface at Menzies Creek. Emerald Secondary College ground available for matches for SRJSC. Mayor states at meeting with SRJS club and Menzies Creek residents that Sherbrooke would be off of Menzies Creek Reserve within 3 years.
Draft constitution drawn up for merger between Monbulk Soccer Club and Sherbrooke Rangers Junior Soccer
Club to allow council to proceed with development of a major greenfields site to meet the sports needs for now and into the future. Wandin East Reserve setup as alternative ground to Emerald Secondary College whilst improvements take place.
Council vote to Develop Greenfields site in Monbulk Region. Monbulk Reserve converted to artificial surface.
Sherbrooke votes to merge with Monbulk once new constitution adopted. Monbulk vote to accept new constitution.
New board voted in for the Monbulk Rangers Soccer Club.

Merged club Monbulk Rangers first year one of difficult scheduling situation with council restricting use of Menzies creek to 3 week nights training and maximum of 6 Sundays use for Menzies Creek. Wandin East utilized heavily to overcome clashes from scheduling clashes.
​Club gets go ahead for FFV Men’s team and Ladies FFV State 1 team to play Friday nights on the artificial surface after lights are upgraded to FFV standard. Council vote to go to planning panel after receiving a few resident complaints about the new Greenfields site and the need to rezone the land. Monbulk Reserve fully utilized 5 weeknights from 4pm and Friday, Saturday and Sunday night matches to accommodate all matches. Monbulk Rangers Mens firsts and reserves win leagues and gain promotion to Div 1 provisional league.
Planning panel supports rezoning of land for Greenfields site after a very demanding hearing requiring extensive club input and commitment. Council vote to send rezoning to planning minister for approval. Goal kick program tops 80 participants with membership base near 650 members.
Jaroslav Dedic appointed as MRSC Skills Coach to assist all teams to improve during the season. First turning of the sod event at the Old Emerald Road site, attended by Laura Smyth – Federal member for LaTrobe and Cr Jim Child – Mayor. Club stalwart Rob Zwagerman slashed area at Old Emerald Rd. so that the Juniors could play a short exhibition game after the on site Premier Denis Napthine’s announcement of the approval of the $650,000 SRV Grant for the new facility. MRSC Committee toured through Melbourne with Council & Architects, reviewing multiple pavilions and facilities.
Architect submitted drawings for new facility deemed unsatisfactory, amended drawings submitted by the club. Long nights of work by Chris Job and Barry Adshead.
First of many, many meetings with Council Developers, Architects and builders. Turning of the Sod at the New Facility. Attended by Tony Smith (Federal) James Merlino & John Errin (State), Mayor Maria McCarthy, & Cr Jason Callanan (Yarra Ranges Council) as well numerous MRSC dignitaries. The Harry Kewell Academy visits MRSC. A great success for all our Juniors (and the President).
Harry Kewell has returned for another clinic. The traditional SummerComp fills up for all but the youngest subjuniors with approx 200 participants.

Grand Opening of the new facility at Old Emerald Road. Pictured, from left, Deputy State Premier James Merlino, Federal Member for Casey Tony Smith, Georgia, Cr Noel Cliff, Marco, Lisa Doolan and Cr Tony Stevenson.
Our juniors make it a further success by playing games throughout the day. MRSC Men play South Melbourne FC in the FFA Cup, one of the biggest matches in the club’s history.